Sunday 30 June 2024

Begin From Within


It's hard, seriously, but I mean what isn't?

Everything comes with a price, either hidden or seen, and here I am not only talking about materialistic things.

To be honest, materialistic stuff is even better as it only has a monetary price that we can see, measure, and value.

But it's time to think about the other things, other important things that may have hidden costs like time or emotions.

Usually, we tend to easily overlook the actual cost.

In today's fast-paced life, things change in the blink of an eye; what was popular yesterday is not popular today.

Everything is changing in no time, leaving us in a state of wanting more and new things every day.

To a point, we feel that we are stuck, and it gets hard to keep up with the ever-changing phenomenon.

Why? Because of hidden costs—our time, energy, or emotions.

Trust me, the way we can get carried away by the type of content we consume is surreal.

It's high time we become mindful and think about what it really costs and escape from this loop.

The key is to pause and reflect on what you really do.

Well, it's not that easy to sit back and figure out what is best for you, as I said in the start—' it's hard, it seriously is.'

This brings us to the fact that we are all humans; we can't simply forget, alter, or delete things, can we?

As humans, we are wired in a certain way through patterns, systems, and thought processes—in other words, habits.

Habits subconsciously pave your way or block your path.

"Good habits are hard to form and easy to live with. Whereas, bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with, let that sink in," they say.

You see how it all simply comes down to your own actions?

Unnoticed actions like,

- 'Opening social apps whenever we get a moment'

- 'Scrolling right first as we wake up till night when off to bed'

- 'Refreshing feed every 5 minutes'

- 'Not being able to focus on a single thing for a longer time'

And many other habits that we may not even realize.

This is nothing but a sign to start realizing what you are actually doing and being mindful of your own actions/habits.

Eventually, it doesn't matter if they are small habits or big ones, what's important is the impact.

How impactful are your habits in your life and how can it work in your favor when you modify it a little?

A small step that could help is,

At first, observe. It may be the type of content you consume on various social media, opinions, unhealthy discussions, what you hear from the people around you, your conversations with others, and with YOURSELF.

When you take a step back and just observe instead of letting it absorb, there might be many things that don't really matter. Things that you can filter out, which in return, will create a safe space for things that actually matter to you.

Remember, clarity always comes from within. And who would know you better than you? So it's important to be true to yourself.

It's okay to take your own time and be at your own pace. 

Essentially, you are exactly where you need to be thus, comparing your chapter 2 with someone's chapter 9 is highly unfair.

So, be yourself, understand yourself, discover yourself, take care of yourself and see how things work out just in your favor.

Don't be afraid to start over as many times as you have to. 

You may like your new story better.

Last but not least, now is the perfect time, a whole new week, a new month, and a new quarter of the year. 

Let's not forget, you are more blessed than you think. 

Keep Thriving and Conquer from Within!

Kashish K.


Begin From Within

  It's hard, seriously, but I mean what isn't? Everything comes with a price, either hidden or seen, and here I am not only talking ...