Sunday 30 June 2024

Begin From Within


It's hard, seriously, but I mean what isn't?

Everything comes with a price, either hidden or seen, and here I am not only talking about materialistic things.

To be honest, materialistic stuff is even better as it only has a monetary price that we can see, measure, and value.

But it's time to think about the other things, other important things that may have hidden costs like time or emotions.

Usually, we tend to easily overlook the actual cost.

In today's fast-paced life, things change in the blink of an eye; what was popular yesterday is not popular today.

Everything is changing in no time, leaving us in a state of wanting more and new things every day.

To a point, we feel that we are stuck, and it gets hard to keep up with the ever-changing phenomenon.

Why? Because of hidden costs—our time, energy, or emotions.

Trust me, the way we can get carried away by the type of content we consume is surreal.

It's high time we become mindful and think about what it really costs and escape from this loop.

The key is to pause and reflect on what you really do.

Well, it's not that easy to sit back and figure out what is best for you, as I said in the start—' it's hard, it seriously is.'

This brings us to the fact that we are all humans; we can't simply forget, alter, or delete things, can we?

As humans, we are wired in a certain way through patterns, systems, and thought processes—in other words, habits.

Habits subconsciously pave your way or block your path.

"Good habits are hard to form and easy to live with. Whereas, bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with, let that sink in," they say.

You see how it all simply comes down to your own actions?

Unnoticed actions like,

- 'Opening social apps whenever we get a moment'

- 'Scrolling right first as we wake up till night when off to bed'

- 'Refreshing feed every 5 minutes'

- 'Not being able to focus on a single thing for a longer time'

And many other habits that we may not even realize.

This is nothing but a sign to start realizing what you are actually doing and being mindful of your own actions/habits.

Eventually, it doesn't matter if they are small habits or big ones, what's important is the impact.

How impactful are your habits in your life and how can it work in your favor when you modify it a little?

A small step that could help is,

At first, observe. It may be the type of content you consume on various social media, opinions, unhealthy discussions, what you hear from the people around you, your conversations with others, and with YOURSELF.

When you take a step back and just observe instead of letting it absorb, there might be many things that don't really matter. Things that you can filter out, which in return, will create a safe space for things that actually matter to you.

Remember, clarity always comes from within. And who would know you better than you? So it's important to be true to yourself.

It's okay to take your own time and be at your own pace. 

Essentially, you are exactly where you need to be thus, comparing your chapter 2 with someone's chapter 9 is highly unfair.

So, be yourself, understand yourself, discover yourself, take care of yourself and see how things work out just in your favor.

Don't be afraid to start over as many times as you have to. 

You may like your new story better.

Last but not least, now is the perfect time, a whole new week, a new month, and a new quarter of the year. 

Let's not forget, you are more blessed than you think. 

Keep Thriving and Conquer from Within!

Kashish K.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Procrastinate like a Pro!


Time flies they say, and I couldn't really relate to it until recently. 

At this point, I don’t just relate to it but am terrified by thinking about it. Like bro, it's a year since I posted an article and I know it's been more than but it still feels like yesterday! 

A lot of you might not feel the same but for procrastinators like me, we could sense how fast time flies and how it still feels like it was just a while ago. Probably because we procrastinate like a real pro. 
Confused? No worries keep reading!

Well, talking about procrastination, there are people who don't realize they do it. The reason may be unawareness. That is because people don't know if they're procrastinating in real life.  But the truth is everyone is procrastinating on something in life. 
First things first - what actually procrastination is?

Don't you agree?
In simple words, procrastination means putting off work for later. And yes as simple as it sounds we always tell ourselves that - "I'll do it later for sure", or "the deadline is after a week, I'll start tomorrow with a fresh mindset" and whatnot? 

Of course, even I do it. In fact, as mentioned earlier everyone does it and there's no blame game. We're all humans after all. Our minds are wired to do the most comfortable things possible. However, what we fail to understand is that all these are just temporary solutions or you may also call it escapism looking for instant gratification. 

But before everything, let's understand this -  
While researching more about procrastination, I stumbled upon a TED Talk. 
It made me discover that there are basically two types of procrastination - 
1. With a deadline -  Procrastinating until a particular end date. Effects of "with a deadline" procrastination is comparatively contained / less problematic in the short term. This is because, at the end of the day, we somehow manage to get it done. The project, the assignment, the submission, the target completion all of it. Although the quality of the work may differ but even if it’s last minute we make sure to somehow complete it.
2. Without a deadline - This is where the game gets disturbed. The effects of procrastination without a deadline are not so contained. They can cause longer effects which are much less visible, and much less talked about. Like, your wellness, your plans for the next week, productivity, relationships, routines, habits, lifestyle, etc.

Moreover, not being able to handle "the without a deadline" procrastination can result in long-term unhappiness and regrets. Eventually, it also leaves you in a bad place. In this case, you are not only unable to achieve something but you are not even able to start with anything.

The point here is a majority of people generally face or say suffer is the 2nd one - Procrastination without a deadline. 

Now that we have understood what the problem is, let's delve deeper into the solution, shall we?

The solution is external but it is within YOU. It's you who can work on the problem, instead, it's you who will work on the problem. 

It depends on the most simple choices of yours like-
  • What do you tell to yourself
  • What you let yourself consume
  • What do you do to make yourself feel better 
  • How do you prioritize the things that are important to you
  • How much attention do you pay to the things that you actually care for 
  • How do you understand yourself better

Well, the answers to all these questions are not just answers but real-life solutions. 
By answering these you would be in a better place internally, mentally. And as they say, growth inside you can directly influence growth outside.

So take a moment and give it a thought, things then will only get better.

Because things like this demand using of your brain, isn't it?
And it's believed that we only want to use our brain when we are interested to do so or when we like to do certain things 

For example, things would go smoothly if you like doing it already i.e. - watching your favorite show, having that particular food or ordering that one thing you just scrolled online, or catching up with someone you care about, scrolling through social media at least once a day, watching reels, spending hours on youtube, etc.

No matter how tired we are, these things cannot be missed. Not even one day. 
Right? Things become really easy when you have the interest and effort for doing it

So what about the rest of the things? the things that we might not like doing that much 

This is when the questions laid above comes into the picture. It not only allows you to delve deeper into your inner self but also throws light on what you are actually looking for.

Let's remember, even if things seem simple, that doesn't necessarily mean they are easy. At times, things can be simple, but not easy. 

Lastly, if you feel like you have not done enough, or like most of us feel, time flies and you couldn't get done anything, it is completely okay. Trust me everyone in life at least once feels this way. 

So if you feel the same or have ever felt the same, don't worry, we're on the same boat. 

You can start now, in fact, we can. As I have been feeling the same lately. It's never too late to start, they say. And by starting, we also intend to keep going and stay consistent. 

Don't forget - 

This is your sign to start and stay consistent

Fun fact - I was also supposed to post it 2 days back but we are from the procrastination club, right? And by posting this blog I did my job, now it's your turn to get your things done.

Don’t let yourself down. 

Let's continue to keep believing in ourselves and move further with more forgiveness and self-love.

It's the exact half of 2023 and there is an exact half left. Six months to 2024, now is our time for growth, progress, peace, love, and happiness. 

It feels good to be back writing!! Working to stay consistent and post regularly now! Because as I said earlier we are on the same boat.
And I mean it. 

Get your vibe, and go on. You do You.

Kashish K.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Just for YOU.


When was the last time you told yourself Iloveyou / I believe in you / you're doing amazing?

Over a period, when we continuously scroll through social media, consume worldwide content, compare our lives to any random strangers on the internet. It is easy to forget how to love ourselves and appreciate ourselves being comfortable with our own lives.

Incase no one told you lately, let me tell you -

No body knows what it takes to be you.

No body knows what battles you fight in your head, 
what struggles you overcome to show up each day, 
what you have been through every single time, 
what you have felt at times,
how many times you have cried alone, 
how many times you have managed to pick yourself up and keep going,
how many times you have had to let go things that actually bothered to you. 

No body has any idea about it except YOU. 

So, its high time you start making choices for yourself - be it big or small, every single thing that makes you feel good.

Because at the end of the day, what only matters is how YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF, YOUR LIFE.

Reminding yourself that you have a point too. 
Your side of the story is valid as well
No matter how hard the outside world tries to bring you down, you have and will rise stronger.

As long as you don’t stop, you don’t lose. So learn to have faith in your timings.


However, at times, your inner world or thoughts could hurt you more than the world outside. 
By that I mean your inner critic, the voices inside your head & your mental blocks. 
Telling you that you're not good enough or you've wasted enough of time or people of your age are way ahead, feeling that you've not done anything suffice. 
A regret about the past lives/times is forever behind us unless something needs to be done about it.
Following that cycle, another stressful episode settles in.

But it's human to have thoughts like these,
Well here, all you need to do is understand that it's just a thought nothing else. 
Thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.

The good part is you can either choose to continue this self-sabotage or rebuild your own strong, incredible side.

Which simply starts with,

Being patient with yourself, forgiving and learning from all the mistakes that you have made.

Focusing on what you actually really like and doing those things, navigating and creating what is true to you.
Anyways, it doesn’t have to be big or passionate stuff that everyone runs behind. 

It can be as small as choosing what kind of song you like to listen to,
 why would you prefer certain app over other,
 would you choose to watch something or rather read at times, 
 what kind of food would you prefer for yourself, 
 what kind of outfits are you actually comfortable in,
 what words you say to yourself,
 how you feel about yourself.

 All this little things which aren't so little. This are the things which decide what kind of outlook   
you have towards life, how would you react to things and who are you as a person. This is what helps you grow as an individual.  

Likewise, know yourself all over again, understand yourself better. So could understand the world around you better

Take care of yourself well.

Though, it's important to realize that self-care isn't just holidays and massages. 
It's working on your habits, mindset and healing your past.
It's removing toxic thoughts, patterns, people and places in your life.
It's living intentionally purposefully and consciously. 

Thus, paving a way to your future, where you choose everything for yourself. With no rooms of regret.

Because, life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.

And if something is out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

So stop being insecure and bad about what you are not and start feeling confident & content for everything that you are.

          "Life isn't about finding yourself, but creating yourself"          

          Don't forget,

          You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.

You have no idea how good life is about to get for YOU.

Trust your own timings.

Be yourself.  Love yourself.  Have confidence in yourself.

You got this.

~Kashish K.

Sunday 27 February 2022

Enjoy your existence ;)


Enjoy your existence

We're often stuck by feelings like "oh wow! their life is so good I wish I'd that similar life" or "why do all the odds come to my life only." If you've also found yourself amidst this feelings, let me tell you - you're NOT alone. 
I have also been feeling the same lately. 

However, something slowly began to dawn on me. What I've realized is, you will always feel disappointed or not satisfied unless you really know the worth of things and life. 

At times, in the race of life while running ahead, wanting more, striving for perfection. We're so overwhelmed and consumed by it that we quite forget to appreciate or even recognize what we have.

 More specifically the foundation and our core thing, EXISTENCE. To exist is to breathe, to be able to move, to feel, to express, to grow.

And you know what? life is of no worth if we don't value it. Knowing value means being grateful for it. Gratitude enhances our life. 

To be grateful is to be present & presence itself is a present. It gives Life, a meaning. Because there's so much we should be grateful for. For instance, waking up each day is the first thing we should be grateful for 🥰. 
And most importantly -

So next time that you feel you're not having enough or not being able to do enough and missing out on life, remember how great it is to just exist and be yourself. That is where gratitude lies, in being happy and loving life. 

Know that life is not all about money, mocktails and vacations, material success but life is made up of small moments. 
Moments of sweetness, sourness, gratitude, fears, possibilities, failures, hopes and most importantly being able to get up again. To never stop believing in yourself, your values. 
No matter what happens, the key is to Reset Refocus Restart as many times as you need to. 

Not ruminating on the past nor worrying about the future, but by bringing yourself back to this present moment-you're alive, existing. 
Also, life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you won't get the same moment twice.

Thus, by finding joy in those little things that adds value to our lives, let's continue to be grateful for all that we have. While warmly and gracefully welcoming this newness of new week, new month & new possibilities. 
Have a meaningful March. 

Let's stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence. 

~Kashish K.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Whatever happens, happens for better.

 "History repeats itself unless you learn something from it" - they say.

Every betrayal, defeat has its own perks and flaws. However, they do leave us scattered and disrupted at times. 

And by betrayal I mean any possibilities that you regret to change or anything that might turn out a bit different than it is now. 

But you know what ? It takes guts to be firm with whatever choices you have made. It takes real courage to stand on your own decisions while learning & moving forward with it.

And if you're doing it right now, I couldn't express how much proud I am of you.

No matter how small or big the consequences are you got this and you always will.

Because you know what matters the most at the end of the day ? 

YOU, Your Happiness, Your Peace.

That’s it.  YOU DO YOU. 

And how to get your power back? How to get going with the choices You've made?

Self care is the key. 

That is how the game changes and I know you CAN do it.

Also, the things which we regret or think that could've been better, might just be blessings in disguise ?

That will somehow connect in the future for better. 

So let's just have faith in our destiny while we keep praying and grinding in our journeys.

Lastly, please don't forget to be grateful with what you have right now, that is where the magic lies - being grateful.

So what I wanna conclude this with is - 

 "We learn and we continue to learn from each other. So please stay true to yourself and be who you are cause we got each others back, all of us got each others back. "

Thank you so much :)) 



Begin From Within

  It's hard, seriously, but I mean what isn't? Everything comes with a price, either hidden or seen, and here I am not only talking ...