Sunday 27 February 2022

Enjoy your existence ;)


Enjoy your existence

We're often stuck by feelings like "oh wow! their life is so good I wish I'd that similar life" or "why do all the odds come to my life only." If you've also found yourself amidst this feelings, let me tell you - you're NOT alone. 
I have also been feeling the same lately. 

However, something slowly began to dawn on me. What I've realized is, you will always feel disappointed or not satisfied unless you really know the worth of things and life. 

At times, in the race of life while running ahead, wanting more, striving for perfection. We're so overwhelmed and consumed by it that we quite forget to appreciate or even recognize what we have.

 More specifically the foundation and our core thing, EXISTENCE. To exist is to breathe, to be able to move, to feel, to express, to grow.

And you know what? life is of no worth if we don't value it. Knowing value means being grateful for it. Gratitude enhances our life. 

To be grateful is to be present & presence itself is a present. It gives Life, a meaning. Because there's so much we should be grateful for. For instance, waking up each day is the first thing we should be grateful for 🥰. 
And most importantly -

So next time that you feel you're not having enough or not being able to do enough and missing out on life, remember how great it is to just exist and be yourself. That is where gratitude lies, in being happy and loving life. 

Know that life is not all about money, mocktails and vacations, material success but life is made up of small moments. 
Moments of sweetness, sourness, gratitude, fears, possibilities, failures, hopes and most importantly being able to get up again. To never stop believing in yourself, your values. 
No matter what happens, the key is to Reset Refocus Restart as many times as you need to. 

Not ruminating on the past nor worrying about the future, but by bringing yourself back to this present moment-you're alive, existing. 
Also, life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you won't get the same moment twice.

Thus, by finding joy in those little things that adds value to our lives, let's continue to be grateful for all that we have. While warmly and gracefully welcoming this newness of new week, new month & new possibilities. 
Have a meaningful March. 

Let's stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence. 

~Kashish K.


  1. Your blog on reading is so full of great insights. I love your idea of adapting the minute existence of life. Thanks for the tip! It was a worth reading blog journey..

  2. This is sooo beautifully written 🤍
    I m proud of u..keep writing keep growing
    I'll always be by your side 🫂💞

  3. As always your blog is greatt❤ and the topic very interesting , wishh you the best🤍

  4. Was so much awaited for this.
    And as always it was mind-blowing ❤️
    Keep going!!!

  5. This is lovely and just soooo deep I swear

  6. Wonderfully written ! Keep it up.🔆

  7. Always youuuuuuuuu🥂🔥

  8. This is so relatable and on point, so well written 😍✨

  9. Amazing write are strong with you pen...


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